
OrigaLys ElectroChem SAS "Made in Know How"
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How do I connect a mouthpiece?
Take reliable, accurate kinetic measurements with our rotating disc electrode.
Controlled by a new version of the CTV101: the OrigaBox.
Rotation speed from 100 to 10,000 rpm.
> With this measuring instrument designed for electrochemistry, you can determine the speed of an electrolytic flow in the vicinity of the EDT.
> Discover our kit including the electrode with optical encoder and the speed controller, all of which can be connected via USB to the software installed on the PC.
> Rotating electrode must be connected to a device in the OrigaStat range (OGS080 / OGS100 / OGS200).
> Fits onto the OrigaCell Kit of the OrigaStat. 

Two models available:

When the OrigaTrod kit is used with the OrigaBox, it is delivered in a carrying case. This makes everything easy to transport. 

The kit contains : 
> An OrigaTrod
> An OrgaBox
> A USB key, containing the control software (OrigaBox Interface)
> The user manual
> The appropriate cables
> Carrying case
OrigaTrod & OrigaBox
OrigaTrod Kit
OrigaTrod Kit

100 to 10,000 rpm

RIN/NS 14/23 running-in

Digital optical encoder mounted directly on the motor shaft,
guaranteeing rotational speed accuracy of the order of 0.35%.

A removable PEEK splined connector allows neutral gas to be circulated
the electrode body to protect it in corrosive atmospheres.
corrosive atmosphere.

The electrical signal is provided by a silver-doped graphite contact.
doped graphite contact.

Two models available:
X130GL018R (same dimensions as Radiometer EDI101)

Compatible with all brands of potentiostats
& with Radiometer tips
Speed controller

PC software included

Resolution: 0.35

USB, analogue setpoint or RS232

Can be used alone or connected to a potentiostat

Compatible with all makes of potentiostat

> A rotating electrode with integrated speed controller. You can also control the speed of rotation manually using the OrigaTrod Lt. potentiometer.
> Rotation speed from 100 to 5,000 rpm.
> Suitable for all brands of potentiostats
> Compatible with Radiometer-Hach tips
> Potentiometer: manual control of rotation speed directly on the device
> External power supply: the system must be powered directly by a 12V AC/DC adaptor.
OrigaTrod Lt
> Discover the full range of electrochemistry tips in our online shop.
For example:
✓ Glassy carbon
✓ Platinum
✓ Gold
✓ Silver
✓ Copper
✓ Nickel